ConvertPlug Review: How-to Guide, An Email Opt-in Builder


ConvertPlug is a user-friendly, easy-to-use WordPress plugin that helps webmasters transform traffic into leads. Websites often get lots of traffic from different sources. But, holding them back and compelling them to act is a big challenge. This is where ConvertPlug focuses on.
ConvertPlug is developed by the team that created the Ultimate add-ons for Visual Composer, the highest selling product in 2014 in CodeCanyon. This proves that the team is up with something promising this time too!

Why do you Need ConvertPlug?

ConvertPlug is built for webmasters owning any website irrespective of the field and industry. It helps one to:
  • Build Email lists
  • Showcase targeted offers
  • Hold back Abandoning visitors
  • Generate Social Followers
  • Share recent Updates
  • Offer Special Deals
  • Redirect traffic
  • Promote Videos
All this to simply convert a simple website into a Lead generation Powerhouse!

A Walkthrough of the Plugin

ConvertPlug is best suited for those who are looking for an easy-to-use plugin, which does not demand a lot of efforts, and yet delivers the desired results.
Working with ConvertPlug is like a child’s play. It offers a number of modules to work on. The latest version has the modal pop-ups, the slide-in pop-ups and info-bars. These modules can be modified and placed in a location the webmaster desires to see it in. All the modules contribute well in lead generation through various campaigns similar to those mentioned above.
Building a Campaign

The plugin comes with an inbuilt Lead capture tool, called Connects. Connects can be considered as the heart of ConvertPlug. It is through this that the leads are stored and managed. Connects has a default Campaign called First and allows webmasters to integrate with external email marketing software like MailChimp, HubSpot, MyEmma, Active Campaign, iContact, ConvertKit, Sendy, CleverReach and many more.
Connects, therefore, makes it easier to store leads and manage them within the default campaign or the ones created by integrating with external email marketing software.
Designing a Module

Once the campaign is ready, ConvertPlug can be used to create and design attractive modules that contribute to the success of a campaign. Webmasters can select any module and design it according to the campaign needs.
With a large number of well-designed ready-made templates, the plugin has made it easier for people to save on time and go live in minutes! Although the templates are all ready, one may not need much time to modify it using the real time live editor that provides options to customize every minute element of a module with a live preview that shows how it looks.
Setting up Triggers
Once the Module looks good and is ready to attract, it’s time to make it work! Displaying a beautiful Module with great content isn’t really enough. ConvertPlug focuses on displaying the right module with the right message, at the right time, before the right audiences. This is where one needs triggers.
The plugin offers a variety of Triggers like:
  • Exit Intent – When the user is about to leave the webpage
  • After Few Seconds – When the user has been present on a webpage for a specific time period.
  • After Scroll – When the user has scrolled a specified length (percentage) of a webpage.
  • Inactivity – When the user has been inactive for a specified time period.
  • After Content – When the user has just finished reading a blog post or some piece of content

Apart from these automatic triggers, webmasters also have the freedom to launch modules through manual settings. This can be done through:
  • A CSS Class – Use a CSS Class to launch it through an element on a page.
  • A Shortcode – The simplest and easiest way to launch a module when the user clicks on a text, an image or any other element on a page.
  • Display Inline – A short code that allows one to display a module within or after a post or anywhere on a webpage.

One can also control the times a module will be repeated, through the Repeat Control tab that enables Cookies, target specific pages on a website or display the module on the entire website, or even target visitors by identifying the device they are using, the domain they have logged in through and the first time or signed in users.
Managing the Leads
After making sure that the module looks good and is all set to increase conversions, it is now time to manage leads and store them in the respective Campaign. One can do so through the Submissions tab seen in the Editor. Through this one can select the campaign the leads will be stored in and work on the message or action to be taken after a successful submission or a failure.

View the Performance
What can be better than tracking the performance live? ConvertPlug comes with an inbuilt Analytics that tracks the performance of every element that goes live. One can view the performance on basis of the impressions, conversion and the conversion rates of different modules, set of modules or an entire campaign.

Keep what Works Best
The concept of A/B Testing is widely used to check what works best with the targeted audiences. With the ability to change every minute detail on the modules, and track their performance, ConvertPlug also supports A/B testing to let webmasters come up to an informative decision of what works best.
The plugin also supports multi-variant testing and trigger testing, again to know what works best. An amazing feature that reveals what the audiences respond well to.

With these simple steps of creating action-oriented opt-in forms or modal pop-ups for a website, there is nothing more a website owner will be looking out for. The simplicity in design and the interface one needs to work with makes it count among the “must have” plugins for a WordPress website.
You can test every word mentioned above, through the test drive available here:

Knowledgeable Support

Working with something can be made easier with the help and guidance of the ones who develop it. The support team assures a guaranteed solution for every issue one may come up with. They have tutorial documents, videos and knowledgeable people who make working with the plugin easier and fun. With ConvertPlug, you no longer should fear of being lost.
To sum up with, ConvertPlug is an impressive plugin that is affordable and requires fewer efforts and yet delivers the desired results. Several people have started using ConvertPlug to reap rich benefits. Why lose out on impressive lead conversion rates when you just need to get started with this excellent plugin? Act now to join the league of capturing leads and increasing sales!


With all the advanced features that can be implemented quite quickly and easily without the need for technical knowledge, ConvertPlug is worth every penny you pay for it. Priced at just $21 on the Envato marketplace, the plugin is a great boon for websites searching for an affordable alternative for lead generation.

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