10+ Best WordPress Related Post Plugins 2016


WordPress related post plugins can be really effective in reducing the bounce rate of your site to a huge extent. Bounce rate is a very important factor for any blog and you need to do everything to reduce it.
The engagement of users in your site can influence the search result position of your site in the Search engine likeGoogle, so you need to understand the process to improve user experience and make it really easy for them to find more content of their interest easily on your blog.
But before you do anything, you have to make sure that you are publishing quality content which creates value for your user because no matter what you do if your content is not good enough the users will never stick to your site. So offer them quality content regularly and design your site the way that it is able to retain visitors on your site.
The related post plugin for WordPress comes as a very handy tool in this regard, as it can show related posts to current topic and engage the user for more time.
Now-a-days. most of the modern WordPress themes come with their own setting to show related posts. If you are just starting a new blog, you can check our recommended personal blogging themes or you can go for aGenesis child theme as they are very powerful and SEO friendly.

However, if you can’t find a quality theme which shows related posts by default. You can use any WordPress related post plugin from this list to achieve that.

List of WordPress Related Post Plugins

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A very handy WordPress related post plugin, it can automatically show related posts from your site at the bottom of each post. It also provides an option to show content from other site written by other authors that will encourage your users to come back to your site regularly to discover new articles of their interest.

Related Posts Pro A premium related post plugin for WordPress that comes with a beautiful design to show the posts which are similar to the current post. This plugin works perfectly with any kind of content type like the custom post types, multisites, categories, terms, mixed content, custom content etc. The plugin is fully responsive and retina ready, so that your content looks great in all kinds of devices. It is highly customizable and with over 200 options, you can chnage almost everything about teh plugin. You have three different layout to choose from and over 65 different templates to choose from. Other than normal blog posts, this plugin will work perfectly with WooCommerce products, bbPress forum topics and any other kind of content you wish to place. The plugin is easy to use and comes with comprehensive options panel to define your requirement.

Shareaholic – Related Content Shareaholic was initially a social media sharing plugin and the related post feature got introduced later. This plugin is quite effective in show related posts to all content on your site, it provides you option to choose the design of the related post to match your site design. Overall a very effective, accurate and one of the best WordPress related post plugins.

Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) Yet Another Related Posts Plugin is one of the most popular and widely used related content plugin for WordPress. This plugin comes in free as well as pro versions with number of amazing features to customize the related posts on your site. This plugin can show related content for posts, pages as well as custom post type. So, all kind of content on your site can be covered by this single plugin. The strong customizable algorithm of this plugin helps you to show posts depending on post titles, content, tags, categories, and custom taxonomies etc. The pro version of the plugin offers you feature to pull related content from multiple sites, also provides you lot of customization option to make the widget perfectly fit your current design. One thing which you need to consider is that Another Related Posts Plugin needs more server resource as compered to other plugin in this category.

WordPress Related Posts Another very effective plugin in the category, it will automatically add similar content to improve user’s engagement on your site. This plugin will enhance the overall SEO of your site by creating quality internal links on your site. As far as the look and feel of the widget is concerned, it is a fully customizable tool which you can alter as per your requirement. This Plugin supports different styles, thumbnails, includes caching for improved performance.

Contextual Related Posts A powerful WordPress plugin to enhance user engagement, it provides number of amazing features to improve the overall experience of your site. It will pull content based on title or content of the current post to make it relevant to users interest which will increase the possibility of user retention. Contextual Related Posts plugin is extremely easy to use and it will start showing similar content automatically on your site and feed at the end of the current post once you activate the plugin. You can also place the widget in any widgetized area of your theme to make it even more comprehensive and to experiment with the layout. This plugin comes with strong caching feature and output is automatically cached as visitors goes on browsing through your site. It’s a complete tool which can read and showcase content from post, page, attachments or even custom post types. This plugin support thumbnails, shortcodes, widgets, custom post types, caching and CSS styles.

Related Posts by Zemanta Another very powerful WordPress related post plugin by Zemanta, the best part of this tool is that admin can curate and show customized related posts to drive more traffic to specific posts. This feature will specially help to drive users to your profit-making articles. If you don’t want to manually select posts then this plugin good enough to show related content automatically using it’s own algorithm. It also provides you option to insert in-text links recommendations from popular sources such as Wikipedia, IMDB, and YouTube. Overall a very useful and feature rich plugin to show related posts. As far as the style is concerned, it comes with number of beautiful ready to use themes with different thumbnail sizes. If you don’t want to use those you can manually customize the look and feel of the widget with custom CSS and other advanced settings

CP Related Posts A simple related post plugin which can show related posts depending on content, title or abstract, including the tags assigned to the articles. You can also set related post manually for each post if you want to drive more traffic to some particular post.

Easy Related Posts Easy Related Posts is a very simple and easy to use plugin which can display posts related to the one a user is currently reading in the main content area as well as in sidebars through a widget. It offers you three beautiful and ready to use responsive themes for related content which you can customize if required. And it gives you a number of option to include and exclude particular content based on post ID, you also have full control of the excerpt length, thumbnail sizes etc. Another feature which can be really useful for user engagement is the eye-catching pop up block with related content to attract your visitors attention.

Author Recommended Posts This plugin gives you lot of control on your hands to manipulate the related post area, you can search and select a related post as per your choice from posts, pages or custom post type to promote that particular content and drive more traffic to those articles. You can add, reorder, remove selected posts for display via the simple drag and drop interface. And you can show the recommended posts vertically or side-by-side depending on the structure of your theme

Jetpack Related Post Module Last but not the least, the related post module of Jetpack. This powerful plugin by Automattic is a collection of a number of useful modules to perform different activities on your WordPress site. Showing related post is one of the components of this powerful plugin and it’s very effective. The Related Posts feature scans all of your posts, analyzes them, and lets you show contextual posts your visitors.

Conclusion Related posts are very important and unavoidable component of any website because they pay a vital role in engaging your visitors and reduce the bounce rate of your site. All the above-mentioned WordPress related post plugins are tried and tested, so you can use them on your site without any issue.

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