How the Jupiter Theme Helped a Business Skyrocket Their Sales!


Whether your business is in a revenue rut or you’re browsing which platform to use to create a website for your new enterprise, you’ll be interested to hear how the Jupiter business WordPress theme created by Artbees Themes transformed the vitality and customer base of one business, tripling its revenues in just one business quarter!
Join our conversation with Mucahit Gayiran, founder of Mockup Zone, to find out the biggest problems he faced with other themes and how after just months with the Jupiter, his business got the jump start it needed to make it one of the leading Mockup designing companies in the market.
Thanks Mucahit for agreeing to share what seems to have been a bit of a tumultuous start to creating a website for your company. First, just to get acquainted with your business can you tell us a bit about what your team does?
Sure. Our company creates affordable and high quality mockup files to help designers specifically to showcase their professional work. We also work with brands that need creative works though about two years ago we decided to start selling more of our work online which is when our website e-Commerce saga began so to speak.

Yes, it’s a bit daunting to figure out which website-building solutions work best for you. Speaking of website solutions, you mentioned before we sat down that you had some bad experiences with previous themes before starting to use the Jupiter so shall we start with the good news or the bad news first?
Hmm, let’s get the bad memories out of the way first and leave the good part for later. For starters, I should be fair and say that the theme we were using wasn’t a complete disaster.
It did have a lot of great features and even had pre-made templates available for us to use, but what we soon quickly discovered was that the options to customize those templates were very limited. Looking back now, I cannot stress enough the importance of being able to customize even pre-made templates!
Part of creating a brand is having unique colors, fonts, images, and designs literally branded into the mind of new customers so that yours is the first name that comes to mind when they’re thinking ‘who can help me with this?’ Pre-made templates that don’t have any wiggle room in terms of design end up leaving you with a generic-looking site that will make any newcomers glaze over immediately.
Right, aesthetics are definitely vital to an eye-catching site. With your old theme, did you face any issues with customer engagement once they got onto your site?
Yes, definitely. We were experiencing a high bounce rate, losing visitors to our site almost immediately as well as a low conversion rate, where the visitors who did end up browsing our site never actually followed through on making any purchases.
When evaluating our heat maps to get an idea of our user interaction on our site, we saw low engagement. This we concluded must have been due to poor usability, which in fact we had noted while initially designing our site.

The theme we were using didn’t allow us to change a lot of the formatting and in these cases when you’ve already committed to using a set theme, you just convince yourself that the modifications you wanted to make won’t make such a big difference for visitors to your site.
Though as every entrepreneur knows, in most cases your intuition needs to be the guiding light to your overall design. We recognized immediately that we needed to change platforms to a theme that would essentially allow us to knock down walls, rearrange and, in some cases, throw out the furniture as we saw fit for our new website home.
So after this realization, what specifically led you to end up picking the Jupiter for your WordPress theme?
Well, after much research, we knew we were going to continue using WordPress and once we dug a bit deeper into the reviews, the Jupiter emerged as the clear victor. I found that the Jupiter business WordPress theme ranked as having the fastest Google PageSpeed score and was also SEO-optimised. On top of that, we knew immediately that the
On top of that, we knew immediately that the flexibility included features and support found in the Jupiter were exactly what we needed to remedy the problems we were facing before and would allow us to create a site that would engage our visitors, highlight our products and make the sale!
Jupiter uses Visual Composer, a plugin that makes it super easy to use which was a big relief for our team since any one of us could navigate its tools without spending too much time reading instructions. Also, it was easy to convert the existing content we had on our old website onto our new one and it was a pleasant surprise to know that any pages we created could then be viewed by customers on any device, whether it was a PC or
Also, it was easy to convert the existing content we had on our old website onto our new one and it was a pleasant surprise to know that any pages we created could then be viewed by customers on any device, whether it was a PC or cellphone.
So the suspense is killing us—did the Jupiter have any real effect on your sales and overall revenue?
Well, we almost couldn’t believe it ourselves but within the first quarter of debuting our Jupiter-themed website, we almost tripled our revenues and customer conversion rates! The thing is, also included in the Jupiter is another plugin called
The thing is, also included in the Jupiter is another plugin called WooCommerce which is an integrated eCommerce system that allowed us to design sleek product lines that showcased our mockups and also highlight sales, discounts or package deals.
Within the first quarter of debuting our Jupiter-themed website, we almost tripled our revenues and customer conversion rates!
Our heat map results changed drastically showing us that the one-page navigation option offered by Jupiter, in addition to tons of shortcodes to pick from, changed the visitor experience of our site. Once they got to our site, they were drawn to our products and obviously had a clear idea of how to navigate our site. I had read in one of the
I had read in one of the Artbees blogs that to increase visitor engagement, a combination of colors, high-quality images, special effects, sliders, carousels, and clear pricing would not only catch the eye of the customer but also present all of the relevant information in a clear manner.

I took their advice–admittedly also with some help from the Artbees Support Team—and apparently it paid off! Essentially the Jupiter business WordPress theme allowed us to tailor-make our first impression to potential customers and the numbers don’t lie—it was a success!
Wow, tripled your sales! That’s incredible and congratulations! Now as a veteran Jupiter user and top-performing online business owner, could you share some of the best tips that come to mind for other entrepreneurs to keep in mind while developing their own Jupiter-themed site?
Sure! Hmm, well I’m going to hijack some of the tips I read from the Artbees blogs–hah, I guess that’d be my first tip–read the blogs! Using the advice provided for us in those blogs and applying them to my own site, I can easily vouch for them. Some very important things to consider including in your site are:
  • An eye-catching landing page, preferably a one-page navigation template (and there’s so many you can pick from with the Jupiter)
  • Product lines that you can get with WooCommerce.
  • You should also definitely add testimonials from your previous customers and animations whether you use sliders, carousels or special effects.
  • Including pictures of your team with brief bios about them; this gives your customer an impression of your culture and will make their user experience much more personalized and intimate
  • Social media posts accessible from your site will also allow potential customers to directly access and share your goods much more easily. They’re also a big vote of confidence that tells potential customers that you already have a well-established and trusted product.
  • A call to action! Whether it’s a big button or tab you have displayed, make it easy for the customer to take action in either contributing to your page or making a purchase! That’s the point after all!

After you starting working with the Jupiter, were there any other features you didn’t expect would also be included?
Oh yes, it seemed that once we purchased the Jupiter business WordPress theme, it was the gift that kept on giving. On top of everything I already mentioned, in the case that we did run into any problems, we found out that Artbees has a great and fast-responding Support team that will personally walk you through any issues you have. Not only that but while we were on Skype, they even took the time to suggest ways we could improve our page to make it more eye-catching—we were blown away!
Not only that but while we were on Skype, they even took the time to suggest ways we could improve our page to make it more eye-catching—we were blown away!
There were even some instances when our team had too much on our plates to be able to tinker with our site that we were able to hire our own Artbees Care experts at a decent rate to help polish up our pages or create whole pages from scratch.
Additionally, we found that we were able to access an incredible network of users, a community really, of individuals across a wide range of business and creative backgrounds that were actively engaged in discussion.
Additionally, we found that we were able to access an incredible network of users, a community really, of individuals across a wide range of business and creative backgrounds that were actively engaged in discussion.
This was a deep well of knowledge and advice from other people just like us who were trying to cultivate their own enterprise. I also didn’t expect for Artbees to have an active blog with contributions from their very own team members in different ways to maximize your use of WordPress themes and even how to scale and market your business effectively.
It’s been really motivating for me to read the ideas and commentary of others and have “ah-hah!” moments on how I can apply the same principles to my own business.
Well Mucahit, it was already clear that you and your team had put a lot of work into growing your business. What I’m especially happy to hear about the Jupiter is that it was able to take all of that hard work and consolidate it into a concrete platform for you to share your products with others.
Yes, our whole team is really just so pleased with the final result and also still delighted at how quickly we were able to put it all together!

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