How to Make a WordPress Site Look Professional


Your WordPress site’s look can make a huge impact on the success of your site. If your site doesn’t look professional, the visitors who lands on your site would not like to stay on your site for long and they will determine the quality of your content with the first impression they have on your site.
So, it’s really important for you to make sure that your site looks very professional. How you design your site, the loading time, the layout, the color combination is a few small things but they can make a huge impact on overall quality of your site.
If you are new to WordPress and don’t have much idea about how to make your WordPress site look professional, this article will help you to understand the things you can do to make your site look beautiful so that you can create an engaging site.
Before we start, I would suggest you that you should always go for a premium WordPress theme instead of a free theme, not only because of the look of the design but you get priority and premium support which is really important especially if you are a newbie user.
We are writing about the best WordPress themes and plugin regularly here at SourceWP to make it easier for you to understand the kind of options you have to create a quality and successful site. Don’t forget to go through the following articles, they will introduce you to some quality WordPress products.

Choose a Quality Theme

As already mentioned, you must select your theme very carefully. In fact, the WordPress themes make this platform so attractive to the new user because any user can install a great design and within minutes they can make the site look stunning.
We have been writing about different niche themes and reviewing themes regularly, a few of the WordPress themes which we promote regularly are…
Divi Theme 
Divi is one of the most popular WordPress themes available right now, it comes with a huge number of features and options that will help you to create any kind of website you want to create.
Divi is powered by the amazing Divi Builder plugin which is a really easy to use drag and drop website builder that comes with a huge list of different modules that can be used to create your pages with a variety of different layout and features in it.
Creating a custom design was never so easy, with Divi you will be able to create any kind of layout with the most appropriate modules within a couple of minutes. Also, the best part is that you can save the custom layouts you create in the Divi library for future use.
Divi offers you a huge number of different header styles with the navigation and logo placement at different sections to make your site look completely unique. In fact, not only the header but every section of the theme offers you different layout options.

I have been using MyThemeShop themes for my sites for a long time now. They offer great looking modern designs which are highly customizable to make them look perfect as per your requirement. Another best part is the loading time of their themes, all of their themes are well optimized for great performance and they are SEO friendly.
MyThemeShop themes come of advanced theme options panel where you can customize all the requirements of your site and change them easily wherever you want. They come with unlimited color options, unlimited sidebars, unlimited background options, Google Fonts, Font Icons, ultra responsive layout and a lot more.

Genesis Framework
Genesis is one of the leading WordPress theme frameworks and one of the most widely used one as well. Genesis is created on a very strong foundation with tight security and SEO friendly code. The user base of Genesis is huge and the simplicity of the platform stand out.
Genesis is a child theme based framework that means you will need a child theme and the framework to work properly

Color Combination

The color scheme of your site can make a huge impact on the brand image of your business. Should should make sure that the color scheme of your site match the image of your business and always maintain the same color even if you change the layout of the site.
Nowadays, almost all the quality premium themes offer flexible color options and you can decide the color combination for each and every section of the design. If you use the Divi theme or any there from MyThemeSho, they offer you unlimited color options, so it’s extremely easy for anyone to change the color scheme of their site using the theme options panel.

Minimal Layout

Almost all the premium themes offer you an option to customize the design these days, you make sure that you keep a minimal layout for your site where your users can find everything easily. Also, it is a proven fact that the minimal designs work much better than a complicated design with tons of content on the same page.
You have to make sure that your content gets the maximum highlight and it is well optimized for better readability.

Easy Navigation

A clean header section and a really easy to use navigation menu make it a lot easier for the users to browse through your site. 

Your Logo

The logo of your site is probably the most important aspect of making your site professional. many brands spend thousands of dollars to create a quality logo that carries the image of their brand. I’m not asking you to spend thousands on your logo, but you should definitely give a lot of importance to the logo.
If your logo doesn’t look professional, no matter how well you design your site it will always fall short. You can find quality logo designers on sites like 99designs or Fiverr, where you can get your logo done for a very limited price.

Professional Footer

The footer section of your site is very important, you need to make sure that the footer of your site looks clean and contains all the important links for your site. Generally, the footer section is used to show the important pages and categories of a site and the copyright statement of the brand.
If we talk about creating a great footer, you can display the important pages, about, content, advertisement page link. You can display the social media links for your site, you can even have an email subscription box. It’s always great to get creative with the footer section as far as possible.

Great Homepage

The homepage of your site is the most important page of the site, so you need to make sure that your homepage is clutter free and clean as far as possible yet displays all the important details which you want your users to know.
When we talk about the homepage of a blog, it generally displays the latest posts on the blog. However, you can easily create a great landing page with plugins like Divi Builder and set that as the static homepage for your site.
To set a static page as the homepage for your site, go to Settings > Reading select the page which you want to be the homepage of your site and select the page where you want to have the blog section and save changes.

Font Choices

Font of your site is another very important aspect because some fonts can make a great site ugly. So, make sure that you select the font very carefully, the font should be easy to read and it should look professional.
The best part is that most of the premium theme come with huge font choices these days and if your theme doesn’t offer you the font choices, we have written a post about the best Google Font plugins which you can use for your site.


If you follow all the above-mentioned parameters nicely, it will definitely make a huge different as far as the look and feel of your site is concerned. Though there are a number of other aspects which can be instrumental in making your site look professional.

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