Top 2 Free Landing Pages Templates Built With Bootstrap Frontend Framework 2016


If you visit (or create) a web page that has terms such as “Sign up!”, “Register”, “Act Now!”, “Buy”, “Pre-order”, amongst others — you are browsing a landing page! A carefully curated page that’s meant to serve as the stepping stone for having you, the visitor, complete an action based on the information you’re consuming. In the age of rapid web development and expansion, much of the webs pages can be considered landing pages. But, we want to focus on more specific type — the kind that startups, eCommerce stores, online businesses use; any page that involves completing an action that leads to a transaction can be considered a landing page.
Because landing pages account for so much sales and hold such a weight of importance, there is an infinite number of resources available for learning more about the important parts of a good landing page, how to use the full potential of modern web design to better convey ideas, and most importantly to make more sales. Just like testing your online advertisement campaigns, landing pages should also be treated to extensive and rigorous A/B tests to determine which versions work the best in which particular situations.

landing page mobile template
There are a ton of platforms and resources out there that will help you to analyze your landing pages in front of a real audience for free (and there are also paid options available, we recommend traditional search networks to find what you need), which can be helpful to understand the first impressions others get when visiting your landing page.
On top of making room for a high-quality lead form to capture emails, it’s important to ensure our landing pages consist of:
  • Concise Headlines — we want our main headline on top of our landing page to directly convey our mission, vision, purpose in the best way possible. Be bold about the usefulness of your product.
  • Call-to-Action — our call to action buttons should be easy to spot, and with inviting messages on their own. If you’re offering early access use “Get early access” and so on.
  • Email Singup Form — you want to make your email signup form visible, but not too bloated with text or other funky widgets. Traditional email input form and the “Subscribe” button work the best.
  • Photo & Video — enriching your landing pages with great visual content is invaluable to your success. Investing in professional photographers and videographers is a must if no one else on the team is able to produce high-quality visual content. A demo video helps to ingrain your mission as well as set the tone.
  • Social Proof — have any publications written about you in the past? Use it to your advantage as social proof, it’s one of the easiest methods of ensuring that your visitors feel safe about using your product.
  • Urgency (optional) — sometimes it helps to mention things like the availability of the product, mostly if you are still in a development phase and currently work just with BETA testers and such.
Now, if those insights sounded interesting, know that the world of landing pages (technical aspects of it) go much, much deeper than that.Ed Shelley from ChartMogul has put together an amazing resources that depicts the leading 40+ SaaS startups and their landing pages — there’s a vast ocean of insight and knowledge to be gained from reading his post, and we know for sure that many of you will find new and better approaches to craft highly-converting landing pages. With all this energy on our side, it’s time to take a look at some of the best free landing pages templates that have been built using the Bootstrap front-end framework. We are pleased to announce that this list turned out to be truly spectacular and there are a lot of cool picks to be played around with.


First up we are looking at Snow, a parallax optimized template that focuses on color choices and background images to provide a one of a kind browsing experience. It’s demo use has been put towards an mobile application, but we know for a fact that you can change things up yourself to use this particular style for a project or a platform. Pre-configured templates include app information, as well as a pricing module to make the front-page as effective as possible. At the very bottom there’s an easy to use email signup form that will naturally attract subscribers. Also room for social exposure, as well as social media icons at the footer of the template.

Mobile apps are sweeping the designer sphere with new challenges and creative tasks that inspire and approaches to mobile design, and the use of mobile design to promote an app or a product. This CSS3 and HTML5 validated Bootstrap template features a full-page design that’s responsive and offers functions like smooth scrolling, line icons, a fancy lightbox as well as the integration of Google Fonts for maximum versatility when it comes to your content. Boishakhi default color scheme, yellow, is truly a treat to anyone who gets exposed to it; we know this one will be a heavy sales driver.

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