2 Colorful WordPress Themes for Blogs, Magazines, Stores and Corporate Websites 2016

Websites are not side projects that should be taken lightly. Any responsible business can understand that in today’s internet-based age, your best asset is your home page. However, odds are that you will not be the only one to realize that. Competition will be anything but scarce, and you must make sure that you can overcome any challenge posed by your rivals. From a consumer’s standpoint, there is a sea of websites and companies, and it can be hard to pick the right one. Mediocrity is a trait that clients prefer to avoid, as they attempt to secure the best services and products.
There are many things that can improve your site. Setting aside complex marketing strategies and trend analysis, you can also rely on a tried and true crowd pleaser: aesthetic appeal. The fact that pretty things attract people is not a secret among business owners. If you lack the budget to hire industry-leading web design companies, you can always rely on WordPress themes. They provide a cheaper alternative for start-ups that wish to make a name for themselves. These themes allow for an unparalleled degree of creative freedom, as the user can design and customize his colorful website.


Staying true to its name, Cool is a WordPress theme that shuns mediocrity, providing a refreshing product that is sure to impress your potential customers. The design is gorgeous, intuitive, and very easy to navigate. Cool refuses to compromise, resulting in a site that is both practical, and aesthetically appealing.
Flexibility is an important trait, given the dynamic nature of our modern, high-tech business market. With this theme, you will be able to access your site from your mobile phone or tablet devices. Gone are the days when you used to be tied down to an office chair. Content and personal updates can be made easily, as you get to carry your work in your pocket. Indeed, Cool’s responsive and versatile nature makes it a businessman’s best friend.
If you wish to experience this product for yourself, be sure to check out the live demo, before making a decision. Of course, regardless of how great it is, your site will be at the mercy of search engines. It is these engines that scour billion of pages in order find yours, and display it for your customers. Thankfully, Cool makes a search engine’s life easier, as it is optimized to increase your chances of getting high rankings.


In the case of Interactive, the name accurately reflects the theme’s design. If your captivating site has plenty of content, and you want to increase your view count, this product can be your greatest ally. You will be able to personalize every single site element, and provide an eye-catching browsing experience for your loyal readers. For a more practical demonstration of this theme’s amazing features, be sure to check out the free, live demo.
There are multiple home page versions, assuring that no two sites will ever be identical. In terms of aesthetic customization, customers will benefit from a limitless number of color personalization options. Interactive benefits from AdSense Integration, a non-intrusive feature that will maximize the revenue of your site, without interfering with your visitor’s browsing experience.
The off canvas mobile menu is ideal for mobile users, as the amount of screen space is somewhat limited on smaller devices such as tablets and smartphones. It will swoop down from the left side of your screen, and it will disappear when it is not being used. The lightning-fast loading times of Interactive will certainly impress even the most cynical customers. This can lead to better Google rankings, and a large user retention rate.

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